Tuesday, June 21, 2011


i had a skin tag removed on my neck because Joey was harassing the heck out of it. Joey would dig his little finger nails in and repeatedly pinch this one area. When he was nursing this little skin tag had become his source of comfort. After bumping his head, he would throw his little body in my arms and look for the skin tag to hold. This little habit was getting really annoying.

My skin tag was removed with a laser, basically cauterized off. The scab was irritated by lots of chlorine and pool time (totally worth it). Now that it's irritated I have to let it heal.

now I'm suffering from post-op infection. Purulent drainage, yellow exudate, red skin margins, low grade temps (100.6), nausea, lack of appetite, fatigue, and achy body. I'm hoping my body can fight this thing naturally without the aid of oral antibiotics. I think antibiotics have been significantly overused and I understand any other person would already be pushing the antibiotics down their throats. Here's my thought...why would you kill all of the good bacteria that your body is producing? instead wouldn't you want to boost your system with bacteria fighting immunity powers? i haven't had my kefir for a week since I've been out of town; that will help. More Kefir and increase pro-biotic intake...maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated. That's healing from the inside out. keeping the wound clean and treating with a topical antibiotic promotes healing from the outside in.

So, will vanity or health win?

2 days later I'm 100% and my mole is healing slowly, but healing. I'm glad I'm healthy.

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